Different tax situations call for different types of tax advocacy, and at Moore Tax Law Group, LLC, we know when and whether to draw each weapon from our arsenal. Whether we are persuading a revenue agent to take a favorable position on an audit, negotiating with an appeals officer, cross-examining a witness at trial, drafting briefs or arguing to a three judge panel on appeal, we have the experience and the skills to advocate effectively in a way that is tailored to the audience.
We do not use autopilot to set or to follow a typical course. We employ our experience and creativity to develop a strategy that is most likely to achieve your unique goals. We think before we act, and then we think again and again throughout the handling of a tax matter to make sure that we are following the best course for you. When we hit a roadblock, we analyze all the different ways to go over it, under it or around it instead of simply continuing to drive into it.